We are one of the most reputable battery equipment and technology suppliers in Europe since 1976. Zesar made significant improvements and developments in the area of battery process technologies, that help successful hand over Turnkey projects to our customers. The results are most efficient, time and cost saving production machines.
By working closely with battery producers and listening their particular needs, every machine can be specifically designed and additional features included. Although core characteristics remain unchanged, each and every machine will therefore have a different identity.
ZESAR, which closely follows new and future battery technologies in the sector, determines its short and long-term strategies, has also begun to prepare for the necessary infrastructure works for Li-Ion technology. With 52 years of industry experience, ZESAR is taking firm steps as a global company by exporting 90% of its production today.

Battery Manufacturing with Zesar
For six decades, ZESAR’s machinery, engineering, and solution mindset has set the standard for performance and quality in battery manufacturing equipment. We leverage our long history as a premier supplier of battery manufacturing solutions to continually innovate the most efficient battery production equipment available.
ZESAR – There at Every Step
At ZESAR, we understand the battery manufacturing process and supply the latest technology to help our customers improve their productivity, profitability, and safety performance. To better envision where we help you excel every step of the way, please read on:
Plate Production
Producing precise and high-quality plates is one of the most critical steps in battery manufacturing. Plates are manufactured using with the oxide and grid (Plante) process or the pasting and curing (Faure) process. ZESAR battery manufacturing machinery is specially designed and purpose-built for either application.
Battery Assembly
After production of the plates, the battery is assembled. The ZESAR line of battery manufacturing equipment again has the answer with machinery to automate every step, as well as conduct required testing. We handle and manage plate assembly with the enveloping and stacking, cast-on strap, and intercell welding machines. The assembly process is then completed with our selection of lid installation, terminal burning, and testing machines.
Filling and Formation
Filling the battery with its electrolyte media and charging it correctly is one of the last critical steps in battery production. ZESAR is fully prepared to equip you with acid and gel filling and leveling. Formation is supported by automated water baths, and high-rate discharge and hi-voltage leakage test machines.
Final Assembly
With all of the critical battery manufacturing tasks complete, final assembly is where all of your hard work is sealed and finished, guaranteeing your customer a battery ready for service. We know that it is attention to detail in this final step that separates the exceptional battery manufacturing companies from those simply wanting to sell batteries.
This is where our selection of second lid sealing and air leak testing machines verify the integrity of your product. ZESAR’s washing/drying machine and terminal brushing and greasing machine ensure your product arrives clean, contaminant-free, and ready to use.
Here at ZESAR, we bring six decades of experience in this space. During the course of this time, we have continuously been an innovator in battery manufacturing equipment. We attribute much of this innovative spirit to you—our customer.
All those years ago, we learned early on that while battery manufacturing had many core steps, the best battery manufacturers were asking for customization to better suit their operation. We listened and provided what they needed. Many of these custom features are now standard on many models, and we are always open to new ideas as to how our battery manufacturing machinery can be modified to make it even better for your specific needs.
ZESAR is also fully aware that battery manufacturing companies are a regulated industry—in terms of the environment, health, and safety. At our own facilities, we are always seeking the best practices for our employees’ safety and health, as well as the environment.
We extend this commitment to every product we sell. Our engineers are always designing ways not only to do things more efficiently, but to do them safer with minimal risk to the environment. Safety and environmental stewardship are key company values that we build into every machine we sell.
Single Machines or Turnkey Projects
Whether you need to upgrade a single machine on your line or you are seeking a turnkey project, ZESAR wants to prove our value as a reliable supplier of top-quality battery manufacturing equipment. Adding a ZESAR machine for critical processes can quickly build efficiency into any line. Instead of maintaining outdated inefficient equipment, ZESAR provides a good return on investment through increased productivity, efficiency, and safety.
Imagine a production line equipped with all ZESAR equipment. Now, envision it as a realty. We have successfully delivered turnkey projects for a number of battery manufacturing companies. With ZESAR project management, you are assured to receive a state-of-the-art facility ready to produce batteries from an all-ZESAR line where our machines operate at peak efficiency. And we are just as eager and ready to assist the small local manufacturer as we are the major producers.
ZESAR—A Global Company
Headquartered in Istanbul with manufacturing facilities in Manisa, Turkey, ZESAR has a global reach. We use this reach to export approximately 90% of production. Specifically, well over twenty countries—from the UK to many in the EU, Africa, and Asia—utilize ZESAR’s battery production equipment and expertise. Our ability to meet diverse needs and requirements is demonstrated by the breadth of our user base.
The ZESAR Value
At ZESAR, we believe it is possible to deliver safe, high-quality battery manufacturing products for a fair price. ZESAR is top-quality equipment, but we always seek to deliver the best value for your investment. We are not a low-price manufacturer, but rather we provide superior equipment with a good return on the investment.
The ZESAR Future
Our team at ZESAR is never content to rest on our accomplishments. As the world changes around us, so must we be ready to change with the world. In addition to the continuous improvements to our existing product lines, our Research and Development department is busy planning for the future. With the rapid adoption of lithium-ion batteries in everything from cars to lawn tools, ZESAR is preparing help new and existing manufacturers tool up to meet this new and exciting need.